Presque Isle Cycling Club
The Premier Bicycle Club in Northwestern Pennsylvania
New Bicycle Law went into effect April 2nd, 2012
You may have read about the new PA safe passing of bicycles now requiring motorists to allow 4 foot while passing cyclists on the road. It was recently passed by the PA Legistature and signed by Governor Corbett. It required motor vehicle drivers to give cyclists 4 feet clearance when passing, even if they have to go across a yellow line to do so safely, or slow down to a prudent speed and wait until any oncoming traffic is clear so they can safely pass with the required 4 foot clearance. Also after taking over a cyclists, they cannot make a sudden right hand turn in the path of a cyclists going straight. Likewise it also requires cyclists to ride to the right as far as safely possible, but does allow riders to move away from the right hand curb to avoid any hazards, or when making a left hand turn, or passing. More information can be obtained about the law at PA Walks and BikesPICC and a new Bicycle Erie Inititive
Bicycle Erie's mission is to assist in creating livable communities by promoting all forms of cycling and advocating for the rights and equality of the bicycling community. A new group supported by PICC to achieve the national Bicycle Friendly Community designation for Erie. Their Vision statement is simply Erie neighborhoods are designed, built, and maintained to foster bicycling, walking and public transit. For transportation, recreation, and sport, bicycling and walking are viable and safe options and ideal tools for active, healthy lifestyles. They would like your help! If you are interested in making Erie a more cycling friendly community whether it is commuting to work (and helping identify local businesses that can be Bicycle commuter friendly) , or just safer recreational riding opportunities, you can visit them at Bicycle ErieRick Gorzynski Memorial Time Trial

Registration Online closed.
12th Annual PICC Spring Training Series
Our 2012 Spring Training Series was off and going this year with the first three races at Burch Farms in North East Township on Sidehill and Moorheadville Roads. April 1st, 15th and 22nd ( in which all types of weather were experienced). The 4th, 5th and 6th weekly races were held at the Fairview Industrial Park- Klier Rd started April 29th, May 13th and finished up May 20th.Thanks to our businesses: Burch Farms and American Turned Products from all the Spring Training Series race participants and volunteers. The Burch's North East Township Store and property on Sidehill and Moorheadville Roads was an excellent host facility for our 2011 and 2012 series again. The Burch family and all their staff truly made us welcomed! You can visit them year round, for more details check out their web site at: Burch Farms Country Store. Also thanks to the American Turned Products facility in Fairview that was has been a partner for many years of this series.
There was a Cold Cup team competition also available. USA Cycling License is required for each race participant, with either an annual license purchase or one day licenses available for an additional $10 for Category 5 Men or Category 4 Women. Additional details are available on the Events & Results page.
Also the club had the privilege of having Penny Nixon handle the photography for early weeks the Spring Training Series. She is offering photos of the series at her official web site Penny Nixon Life Shots Photography Pages.
A thank you also needs to go out to all the volunteers, help and assistance by all those that stepped forward in getting this race series off each week.PICC is on Facebook
Join us and follow the Presque Isle Cycling Club and our events on Facebook Fan Page. If you have a Facebook account, sign-in then visit the PICC page and like us to gain another source of club news and events reminders. You can sign up for Facebook just by creating a profile from the Facebook home page.May was Bicycle Month- Bike to Work
During the month of May Bicycle Month and Bicycle to Work Week specifically was held on Monday, May 14th through Friday, May 18th of this year but anytime is a good time to start trying to get the 2 wheel human powered vehicle- AKA bring your bicycle out to commute to work instead of your usual 4 wheel vehicle. With gasoline prices approaching $4.00 locally, Friday, May 18th was the official Bike to Work Day for 2012 as designated from the League of American Bicyclists LAB Web Site for added details. Also as part of the 2010 lead up to this week the Presque Isle Cycling Club was on WQLN Radio's "Weekend All Things Erie" with Kim Young. President Greg Troyer and Eric Brozell were interviewed about Bike Month and commuting to Work. WQLN RadioTuesdays at the Peninsula- 2012
The weekly Peninsula rides are off and going, even as the days get shorter. The start time traditionally is 6:00 at Beach 1 Parking Lot at the first parking lot to the left after the park entrance. 2012 ride season at the Presque Isle State Park is finally here stating Tuesday, March 13th. These rides tend to have a faster paced group that work on pace line riding- pace starts at a slow warm up for the first part of the ride, but can accelerate quickly. Expect a hard work-out to keep up with the pack of top area riders. You can either ride with the group (if you safely understand the pace line protocol) or ride with the B group. This second group- more informal is a "go at your own pace", finish the loop when you can. Meet at 6:00 PM (Some of the Group still meet earlier than 6:00 pm to take advantage of additional laps especially later in the season when daylight is becoming a premium), weather permitting of course.Weds. Nights- 2012
The Wednesday night group rides return with one of the earliest start dates in recent years Weds, March 14th, 2012. Traditionally these in the past have start at the Edinboro University Parking Lot just past the stadium on Perry Lane and opposite of the McComb Fieldhouse (past the main entrance off Route 6N). Permission has been granted to use the rest rooms in McComb Fieldhouse. These rides start at 6:00 PM and routes and distances can vary each week and are group appropriate. When the weather reports are showing rain in the area or if it is raining at the start, the rides will be cancelled due to safety of all involved. More details on Events & Results page for additional info on the 2012 ride updates and details as available.Meeting Info
Meetings of the PICC are held the second Monday of each month during the winter months, starting at 7:00 PM. for the board meeting. During the summer in 2012 we will meet typically on the 2nd Tuesday after the Peninsula Training rides (starting at 7:15 pm) at Walker Properties, 2820 W. 21st St. (Ebco Park) -off Peninsula Dr. and W. 23rd St. Drink and snack vending machines are available. The board meetings are primarily a business meeting, but are open to all members and guests.Merchandise
Show off your style! The club has limited inventory of jerseys and socks available for purchase. The jerseys are available in sleeveless and short sleeve (limited sizes only), and long sleeve styles (most sizes still available). These Louis Garneau customized jerseys are top quality and very comfortable. The PICC socks are white and blue with small (5- 9 shoe) only are still available.Archives
2011 Home Page Recap
2010 Home Page Recap
2009 Home Page Recap
2008 Home Page Recap
Upcoming Events:
- Check out our new Web Calendar for more local and regional events:
- Area Ride Calendar
- 3/14/12- Wednesday Evening Rides Start - Edinboro
- 4/1/12- Spring Training Series starts at North East Course- Burch Farms- Completed
- 4/15/12- Spring Training Series week 2- North East Course- Burch Farms- Completed
- 4/22/12- Spring Training Series week 3- North East Course- Burch Farms- Completed
- 4/29/12- Spring Training Series week 4- Fairview Course- Rt 98 and Klier Rd. Completed
- 5/6/12- Iroquois Spring Peninsula Time Trial - Non PICC event- Completed
- 5/13/12- Spring Training Series week 5- Fairview Course- Rt 98 and Klier Rd.- Completed
- 5/19/12- Bike Around the Bay - Club Sponsored- Completed
- 5/20/12- Spring Training Series week 6- Fairview Course- Completed
- 5/28/12- Biking for Cancer Tour- Club sponsored event- Memorial Day- Completed
- 6/2/12- Edinboro Triathlon- Completed
- 6/9/12-6/10/12- MS Bike Tour Escape to the Lake- Non PICC event- Completed
- 6/17/12- Rick Gorzynski Memorial Time Trial- Presque Isle State Park- Completed
- 7/14/12- Quad Bike Race- Non PICC event- Completed
- 7/21/12- Tour de West County & Family Expo- Non PICC event-Completed
- 8/17/12-8/19/12- Centurion Cycling Ellicotville, NY- Non PICC event- Completed
- 8/25/12- Presque Isle Triathlon- Completed
- 9/2/12- Tour de Tamarack- Non PICC event- Completed
- 9/3/12- Ride for the Refuge- Labor Day- Completed
- 9/9/12- Iroquois Fall Presque Isle Time Trial -Non PICC event
- 9/22/12- MS Bike Tour, The Cook Forest River Ride - Non PICC event